We all have a dream of making our home look as exquisite as possible, with beautiful furniture, great colors and even the most interesting piece of art. The Italians have a style of their own and they try to put it in everything they do, from the clothes they create, to the cars the built and even the furniture that comes out of their hands has a touch of great class.
There are various types of brands that can be checked out when it comes to buying new pieces of furniture. Most of the Italian furniture has a touch of high stature and a great antique allure. They send out a clear message of style and great craftsmanship both to the home owners that get to buy them and the visitors that get to see them for the first time. Here are some ideas on what type of furniture you should buy and what the available price range is.
Modern Contemporary Italian Furniture
Many still think that the Italian furniture is antique and old, but the reality is that the contemporary furniture has created a great deal of buzz around the people that have seen it.
Edra is one of the most popular and expensive brands in the world when it comes to the products that they offer. This is that type of company that keeps the tradition going, but it incorporates it in innovation with a great deal of craftsmanship and technology. Another reason why this brand has become very popular, especially in the US is the fact that they search for new materials to use when creating various pieces of furniture.
Christopher Guy
For the ones that are in love with the antiques, but still want a contemporary touch, Christopher Guy is a great recommendation. The vision that the company has is singular and the classy touch is focusing on bring elegance under the spotlight. It’s a very fancy type of furniture that can easily make a great impression to any lady.
Fendi Casa
Another great example here is Fendi Casa. The great thing about this particular brand is the fact that it focuses on creativity to bring out the best design for a certain room of the house. The creator behind the furniture has had an incredible philosophy, that has proven to be a great business model: he aimed to create rooms with raw materials, just as he created pieces of clothing for various outfits and fur coats.
Roche Bobois Group
Lastly, there is Roche Bobois Group. This particular brand has gained a lot of popularity in the last 5 years due to the fact that it positions itself as an elite provider of furniture. It focuses on class, elegance and the great feeling that the owner has when it comes to an expensive product that he owns.