The Proper Care for Your Soft Flooring

We all know that despite regular vacuum cleaning of our home, our soft flooring may become a nest of dirt and microbes. Without any proper care and maintenance, your carpets may absorb a lot of …

We all know that despite regular vacuum cleaning of our home, our soft flooring may become a nest of dirt and microbes. Without any proper care and maintenance, your carpets may absorb a lot of dust, pet and human hair, dirt, stains, etc. In addition, improper maintenance and cleaning may severely damage your soft flooring. This sometimes requires the help of some professional cleaning companies, but you can still do the main procedures all by yourself in order to save some money.

Warm summer weather gives you a great opportunity to get on with your home cleaning by starting with your soft floor cleaning and maintenance. The sun will help you for the faster dying of your carpets and you can open all windows without worrying about any detergents’ smell.

You should also know that carpets in brighter or lighter colours need to be washed and cleaned regularly, because every stain or dirt accumulation on them is visible. In addition, if there is a stain on your soft flooring, it must be cleaned as soon as possible, because the longer it stays, the more difficult it becomes to remove it later. In order to clean your soft flooring efficiently and properly, you also need some special detergents, so you better be careful when choosing the cleaning products you are going to use. You must also have in mind that not every detergent is appropriate for your soft flooring cleaning and maintenance.

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Here are some basic rules that you need to follow in order to maintain your carpets at home properly and prolong their life:


carpet cleaning
By Daniel Oines under CC BY 2.0


10 carpet cleaning tips

1. Always remember that the best way to prolong the life your soft flooring is just to keep it clean as long as possible.

2. Regular vacuum cleaning is a great way to start your soft floor cleaning at home. Vacuum cleaning is one of the easiest and most safe ways of removing all small particles from your carpets and take care of dust accumulations.

3. You must also have in mind that if you are even a bit careless when trying to remove certain stains on your carpets, this may lead to the stains’ spreading and blurring, which results into a deeper absorption of the dirt in soft flooring’s fabrics, which on the other hand, may seriously damage your carpets.

4. It seems that there are some stains that tend to appear again and again. Just when you think you have cleaned the stains once and for all, they happen to appear once more. So, in order to avoid this vicious circle, put a clean towel impregnated with some detergent on the stain for at least a couple of hours. This will help you absorb the stain. After that you can go on with the regular cleaning.

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5. Avoid drying your carpets with an iron or hair dryers because this ma y result into turning the stains into even more persistent than usual.

6. Steam cleaning is one of the best ways of removing any kinds of stains. Another advantage of steam cleaning is that it helps for bringing back the colours of your carpets. This makes it also one of the most booked professional domestic cleaning solutions.

7. In some cases, if there is any mould and mildew on your soft flooring, you will need to use some bleach and other special detergents. However, you should bear in mind the fact that bleach can be used only on white fabrics and you should be very careful with it in order not to cause any damages to your carpets.

8. In case you have spilled some kind of a liquid on the soft flooring, you need to clean it as soon as possible in order to avoid any further damage to your carpets. If you don’t have any special detergents, you can try to remove the stains with a home-made solution of water and vinegar.

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9. Vacuum clean your carpets regularly. In addition, high quality vacuum cleaners can be of great help, especially if you maintain them properly.

10. When it is necessary to use some chemicals or special detergents, try to choose the least aggressive ones in order not to damage the fabrics of your soft floorings at home.