Use These Chemical-Free Building Materials In Your Next Project

Whether you build a house from zero or you renovate, the project is a serious one. You will need to tackle budgeting costs, play designer, work with contractors and a whole lot more. However, one …

Whether you build a house from zero or you renovate, the project is a serious one. You will need to tackle budgeting costs, play designer, work with contractors and a whole lot more. However, one thing that few people consider is what materials are going to be used.

You need to be aware of the fact that some materials are not healthy. They can lead to sick-building syndrome, and many other problems. A way to avoid all possible health problems is to use eco-friendly materials in all construction projects. This is something that will add to the work that you have to do, and the money you will spend will usually be more. Even so, it is something you do need to seriously consider.

The following eco-friendly, chemical-free building materials should be on your list of materials to consider in your following renovation project.

Extreme Green Board

If you want to have healthy walls, they need to have high breathability. This is important as it prevents the appearance of mold. A typical US frame house utilizes sheathing. The standard for the material is OSB (oriented strand board) or exterior-grade plywood. Both of these include formaldehyde. A solution is to use a material known as Extreme Green Board. It is made out of magnesium oxide. This does not include formaldehyde and is not going to mold. The material is fireproof and you will not have insect problems.

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This is another material that is made out of magnesium oxide. Foreverboard cannot get mildewed or moldy. It does not smell and is not fireproof. Contractors really love it as the material can be used and cut exactly like drywall. You can also use plaster but if you absolutely need to utilize drywall, be sure that you use one that does not include biocides, which are toxic materials that are usually added to prevent mold. Moisture inhibition is needed so installation is really important.

Murco M100 – Murco HA100

Most homeowners do not even know what joint compounds are. This is a material that is used in drywall installation. The joint compound is normally filled with SVOCs. These are bad chemicals as you cannot smell them. They are riding on present dust particles in order to spread all throughout the home. Murco M100 and Murco HA100 are great choices since they are not toxic.

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American RockWool

American RockWool is a really useful insulation option that is much better than the regularly used foam. The material is flame resistant and cannot mold. Pests will not find it to be suitable as food, which is a pretty common problem with traditional insulations. To make matters even better, American RockWool will not degrade, cannot damage lungs (a big problem with fiberglass) and does not smell bad.

Kerabond And Versabond

Tiling materials also have to be carefully chosen when your goal is to end up with a home that is completely nontoxic. The green building movement currently has a huge obsession going on surrounding mold. Many companies end up using antifungals, biocides and various antimicrobials into tiling materials. This is definitely not a good idea. If you are interested in biocide-free alternatives, Kerabound and Versabond are wonderful options.

Titebond Weather Master Sealant

You do not want to use traditional caulk since there are some better, more eco-friendly options. Titebond Weather Master is a better sealant because smell is really low and it can be used both indoors and outdoors whenever you have to fill a gap with a diameter of one inch. After application, it is easy to paint it. Contractors can use the material in all crawl spaces, which is not an option with regular caulk since it can become toxic in a closed quarter.