Going Green: Picking the Right Energy Resources For Your Home

Did you know that fossil fuels still account for over 60 percent of energy production in the United States? Climate scientists have been discussing how detrimental fossil fuels are to the environment for decades, but …

Did you know that fossil fuels still account for over 60 percent of energy production in the United States? Climate scientists have been discussing how detrimental fossil fuels are to the environment for decades, but we still haven’t made the transition to clean energy. If you’re concerned about climate change, you might be wondering what your options are for cleaner forms of energy generation.

The great news is that you have several energy resources that can positively impact the environment. Read on to learn all about the world of clean energy.

Solar Energy

If there’s anything we have in abundance in America, it’s sunny days. The heat energy produced from the sun can be transformed into energy that can power your home via solar panels. If you have a big enough system and enough sunny days, you have the potential to totally eliminate fossil fuel power from your home.

If you haven’t thought about adding solar panels to your home before, you might feel a little overwhelmed about the process. Check out this link to learn about your options and the installation process.

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Wind Power

Another alternative energy resource is wind power.

If you’ve ever driven through Palm Springs, California, or Amarillo, Texas, you’ve probably encountered fields full of white windmills. These windmills generate energy when the wind blows, and that energy can be used to power your home.

People who have a large amount of land are good candidates for producing wind energy. You’ll need at least one acre of land that is free from obstructions like trees and buildings to ensure that the turbines can catch the wind.

If you don’t have any land, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t utilize wind energy. Many electricity providers offer plans that are based solely on wind power. Call up your provider to discuss your options.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy production utilizes heat energy from the earth to create electricity. It’s a rather complex system that requires consistent energy sources and has a high installation cost. You’ll need a ground loop built underneath your home to produce the type of energy you need for your home, and that can cost over $20,000 to install.

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Opt for geothermal energy if you think you’ll be in your home for a long time to come to help offset the installation costs.

Are These Energy Resources Right for You?

If you’re new to the world of clean energy, you might not have known about the energy resources you have at your fingertips. Installing solar panels on your home is a great way to take matters into your own hands and produce your own electricity. If solar isn’t an option for you, speak with your electricity providers about your options for utilizing clean energy sources.

Clean energy resources are just one aspect of owning a home that is comfortable and energy efficient. You’re bound to have many other questions about minimizing your home’s impact on the environment. Check out the rest of our blog for all the tips you need to live clean!