3 HVAC Projects You Should Never Attempt Alone

The HVAC system inside a home is quite complicated. All its ventilating, heating, and cooling components are interconnected and need to work properly in order to treat air properly. Basically, if something bad happens, the …

home repair tools

The HVAC system inside a home is quite complicated. All its ventilating, heating, and cooling components are interconnected and need to work properly in order to treat air properly. Basically, if something bad happens, the entire system is affected.

It is normal to want to fix your HVAC system alone. However, in most cases, the truth is you should not. This is exactly because of the interconnected nature of the HVAC system. Due to it, if you are not a professional, it can be dangerous. As you try to fix an element, it is always possible you break another one. You might even hurt yourself.

While some of the minor HVAC projects can be done by you, like vent cleaning, most of the important issues should be tackled by professionals. We will present 3 of the HVAC projects that you should never attempt alone, together with the reason why.

AC Repair

ac repairsWhen referring to air conditioner repair, you can be hurt by what you do not know. There are several delicate moving parts inside an air conditioning unit you have to be aware of. When you accidentally bump, dislocate, or damage a part, the AC can stop running.

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In so many cases, a very small AC issue ends up turning into a serious problem. This is the most likely scenario when you try to repair minor problems alone. Also, the worse the problem, the longer you will need to wait for the problem to be repaired. The risks are serious since you can end up with problems related to your checkbook, your AC unit, and your health.

Always hire professionals as this means the repair will be safer and faster. It will even be cheaper.

Removing Asbestos

asbestos removalBefore any HVAC project is started, it is important to analyze vents to see if asbestos is present. In ventilation systems built before 1980, asbestos was common.

Whenever you suspect the presence of asbestos, make sure you do nothing yourself. This can lead to kicking asbestos into the air. It reaches the rest of your home and any airborne asbestos exposure is dangerous.

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Asbestos removal of any kind should only be handled by professionals since they have the specific safety equipment and the knowledge needed to properly remove asbestos without any chance of exposure. Do not put your health and the health of your family at risk and be serious when it comes to asbestos exposure.

Hot Water Tank Replacements

hot water tank
Photo from Flickr: Ted & Dani Percival

Many homeowners think that in order to install a new hot water tank, they just have to remove the old one to then simply screw the new one in. This is simply a false belief. Installing hot water tank requires quite a lot of assistance from an expert.

Permits are needed, you have to check codes, and respect safety regulations. Basically, this means you have to be intimately familiar with several details or installing new hot water tanks can be problematic.

The big problem is that hot water tank replacements are dangerous. Some are attached to a gas line. When you incorrectly connect the tank to the gas line, gas leaks can appear. When hot water tanks do not use gas, electricity is used. In a similar manner to gas line connections, working with electricity is dangerous. Only pros should do this.

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Final Thoughts

Completing a DIY project can be quite satisfying. This is especially the case right now since people need to find things to do while stuck in their homes. However, there are limits you need to be aware of. This is not about ability, knowhow, or intelligence. It is about certification and safety. Stay safe and do not try the 3 HVAC projects we mentioned above alone.